For information about ticket costs, including discount details, we recommend contacting the transport companies directly. In our company list, you will find the contact information for each of them.
For information about hiring buses for events, we recommend contacting the transport companies directly. In our company list, you will find the contact information for each of them.
To buy or book tickets, we recommend contacting the transport companies directly. In our company list, you will find the contact information for each of them. Some of them offer online purchases.
For information about schedule changes on holidays, we recommend contacting the transport companies directly. In our company list, you will find the contact information for each of them.
BusesUY is an information site about bus lines and schedules in Uruguay. To use it, simply access the homepage, enter your trip's origin and destination, and BusesUY will show you all transportation options registered in our system. Always remember to confirm the information on our site with the transport companies. In our company list, you will find the contact information for each of them.
To inquire about items left on a bus, we recommend contacting the transport companies directly. In our company list, you will find the contact information for each of them.
For inquiries about accessible buses, we recommend contacting the transport companies directly. In our company list, you will find the contact information for each of them.
For job opportunities in the passenger road transport sector, we recommend contacting the transport companies directly. In our company list, you will find the contact information for each of them.